Founded 1994
Run for Governors by Governors

About Us

What does my school get out of the LGA (Formerly LASGB)?

The Lancashire Governance Association is an independent Governors’ organisation, run by Governors for Governors. Nearly 500 Governing Bodies subscribe to the Association. The LGA speaks on behalf of, and represents, Governors and Governing Bodies/Boards of Trustees in Lancashire.

October 2024 saw the 30th year of the LGA and so  we held a Celebratory Conference, at Farington Lodge in Leyland, with nearly 100 delegates and a series of entertaining and thought provoking speakers.

We also launched our newly revised constitution which was presented and endorsed at the AGM that followed the conference.

This included a change to our name – from Lancashire Association or School Governing Bodies (LASGB) to Lancashire Governance Association (LGA) to reflect our role as the largest local association of the National Governance Association (NGA) but also our close working with LCC.

All 'signage' will be updated during the next few months.

Through the LGA Lancashire Governors have an Observer on the Lancashire Schools’ Forum, and Governors are represented on several groups, committees and working parties.

We will feature this element of the work of the LGA in future editions of the Newsletter published in the Lancashire Governor.

Our main business

To communicate the views of Lancashire Governors to the Local Authority, the National Governors Association, the Department for Education, The Lancashire Schools Forum and others.

To disseminate information of interest to Governing Bodies from OFSTED, the Local Authority, the National Governors Association, the Department for Education, Lancashire Schools Forum, via conferences, regular publications, newsletters the Lancashire Schools Portal and the LGA website.

In order to fulfil these important roles the Executive Committee also:

  • Responds to Governors' views and areas of concern raised by member Governing Bodies either with the elected Representatives for their Area or addressed directly to members of the Executive Committee,
  • Addresses and comments on matters raised at the termly Consultation meetings with the LA,
  • Receives and comments on reports from the LA, NGA, DfE, the Lancashire Schools Forum and other bodies on current issues under consideration,
  • Receives reports from representatives of LGA on Outside Bodies.

We represent governors on the following groups

  • The Lancashire Schools Forum (and all Blocks)
  • The Ethnic Minority Achievement Consultative Body
  • Lancashire’s Three Admissions Forums
  • Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)
  • Learning Excellence Awards Panel
  • Safeguarding Assurance Partnership
  • Improving Communication with Schools Group
  • Lancashire Education Digital Services Focus Group
  • NGA National Governance Association


The Lancashire Governance Association is run by Lancashire Governors, for Lancashire Governors.

As in previous years LGA member schools who pay their subscriptions by journal transfer will see in December the LGA subscription of £30 for 2024-25.

Other member schools will receive an invoice.

If there are any queries please email Stephen Booth 

Thank you for your continuing support.

Make a positive contribution towards education

How to join the LGA

We aim to communicate with Governors electronically wherever possible.

The role of the LGA Representative is simply to bring information to the attention of Governors - usually at the termly meeting.

The £30 annual subscription (£10 for Nurseries) is usually paid by Journal Transfer and is due in December.

To become members of the LGA please click the button below to complete our online form.

Communicating with our members

 1. Governors’ Meetings: An LGA item is on the core agenda for all Governing Body meetings each term and information for this LGA item is printed in the 'Yellow Booklet'.

2. Website: Further information for use at Governing Body meetings is to be found on the Home page of the website via the Downloads page

3. Your LGA Representative (if you have one) will receive an information sheet at the beginning of each term either by email or post (depending on choice) which can be used at the Governors meeting.

4. The ‘Lancashire Governor’ - the termly publication sent by Governor Services to every individual Governor - may contain an LGA insert.

To ensure that information is not sent to the wrong person, please let the LGA know, via email to Christine Wilson if possible, when there is a change of LGA Governor Representative for your Governing Body.

Making use of the LGA website and email

We plan to develop the LGA website as a major communication link with member Governing Bodies and their schools.

Using email will help to cut postage costs dramatically. While continuing to post information to those Governors who request it in paper form, we aim to develop the website and the use of email for LGA communications.

Governors who would like to receive their own mailings from the LGA are invited to send their email address to the LGA via Christine Wilson.

The LGA will NEVER expect governors to download or print large documents!

A Recognition For Governors

Have you a Governor who is an invaluable asset to your school?

The LGA would like to recognise and reward members who give outstanding service to their schools

Following a suggestion from a bursar of one of our member schools, the LGA is pleased to invite Governing Bodies to celebrate the unsung heroes of our schools, those Governors who go beyond the call of duty, giving additional time and resources to their school to help steer its success. (Guidance for Nominations).

Please email nominations from your governing body, giving their name and a description (about 100 - 150 words) of what they do as a governor for your school, to the Certificate manager of LGA - John Davey.

Please send your nominations as soon as is convenient - BUT the deadline is 31st March each year, in advance of the AGM. Awards will also be made throughout the year at other LGA events or even at the recipient's school, if they wish, though modesty and privacy will always be respected!

We are recruiting new members to the committee


The Lancashire Governance Association is a body of Governors who represent all Lancashire Governors in terms of local and national communications. We meet regularly every term with County Hall and also the National Governors Association. We discuss current legislation and concerns with these bodies. We are also represented on the Schools Forum- the group responsible for the negotiation of the disbursement of funds to schools.

Lancashire is divided into 3 areas in term of representation on the Executive Committee. North, South and East.

What skills/attributes do you need to be a member?

  • You need to be a governor from a member school (primary schools are under-represented),
  • We are happy if you are in any education area, but we are particularly looking to fill a gap in the Nursery Sector
  • It would be helpful if you are ICT-competent,
  • You need to be prepared to present facts since you are representing other GBs,
  • You need to have some time to spare- 1 evening per term; one or two Saturday mornings,
  • You need to be prepared to actively contribute of time and skills,
  • We meet at County Hall in Preston, The Tickled Trout off J30 of the M6 once monthly on Saturday mornings and Preston North End FC for Conferences,
  • Expenses are paid for travelling @ 45p per mile.

If you think you can help then please contact us via Stephen Booth.

Upcoming Meetings

Upcoming Conferences

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Join The LGA

Make a positive contribution towards education
To become a member of the LGA you can complete our online form or
email us with your details. Please click the link below to find out more.