Founded 1994
Run for Governors by Governors

Lancashire Professional Development Service

Continuous Personal Development is an important part of the role of the governor.

If the call comes, one of the documents OFSTED will want to see is the governors’ training record.

In Lancashire we are fortunate to have an active governor training programme run by LCC, which can be booked here:

LPDS Governor Training

The 2022-23 catalogue of LCC courses is available here: Governors' Training Brochure

NB: There is now a new LPDS website as of 13th July 2022.

This new website will only allow you to book training if you have a LPDS website account.

If you do not have a LPDS account please ask your Head Teacher or School Bursar to create an account for you. They can find guidance on how to set up accounts using this link: 

But evening and weekend courses do not suit everyone - especially in current conditions.

LCC are offering video conferencing training throughout the summer holidays and these courses are being advertised on the Schools' Portal.  The offer to schools is now a blended service of face to face training and video conferencing.  If a face to face course cannot commence owing to COVID 19 restrictions, it will presented via video conferencing.  Schools can request school based and cluster courses by video conferencing too.
As well as the booking link above, the main LPDS website is here:
Any queries can be directed to or telephone 01257 516100.

Learning Link is an online governor training facility providing forty courses for governors, clerks and school leaders to complete in their own time and in a location of their choice. Schools that subscribe to LCC governor training get free access to Learning Link.


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