Founded 1994
Run for Governors by Governors

LASGB Workshop – Academisation

Tickled Trout Hotel , Preston

Refreshments 6-30 . Workshop 7pm until 9 pm.

This workshop will be around Academisation.

The PowerPoint slides for this event will be available after the event on this page.

As all members will be aware the “White Paper” published before Easter
(now an Education Bill) outlined the Governments ambition that
every school should become part of a multi-academy trust (MAT) by 2030.

In the light of this LASGB are holding an information session for our members.
There was a panel of speakers who have experience of theacademisation
process and who answered your questions.

In addition, as you may have seen on the Lancashire SchoolsPortal – Edwina Grant, Executive Director for Education & ChildrenServices,  provided us with a video update outlining thecounty council view on their proposals.This workshop was a face to face one, however some delegated attended virtually (zoom).

The presentation from Jim Dye is available by clicking here.

The presentation from John Tarbox is available by clicking here.

The link to the Edwina Grant video is available by clicking here.

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