Founded 1994
Run for Governors by Governors

LASGB Winter Workshop 2023 – The Governor Role in Sustainability in Schools

LASGB Winter Workshop – The Governor Role in Sustainability in Schools 

These are the Introductory slides: Introductory slides

At this workshop the speakers were:

Wendy Litherland, Director of Sustainability and Teacher Science, St Christopher’s CE High School, Accrington

Wendy’s presentation – Kick-Start Sustainability – discussed what sustainability looks like in her school and how she developed it. You can view a PDF version here: St Christopher’s Presentation Slides.


Melissa Klavins-Bridge, Senior Structural Engineer Water, Ports and Nuclear, Warrington (and a School Governor)

Melissa looked at quick wins and strategies that have worked in her schools. A copy of the presentation is here: Melissa Klavins-Bridge Presentation slides

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