Founded 1994
Run for Governors by Governors

Coronavirus (Covid-19)

A message from our Chair, John Davey ....

In these difficult times, as Governors we are all looking at different ways of working. We are below providing you with several links to advice on how decide how to proceed.

Those who use LCC Clerking: Your Clerk should have been in touch to set up electronic meetings . LCC are currently suggesting Skype Business, but I am also looking at ZOOM. Your school may be looking at alternative options.

This will be a particularly hard time for Special Schools.

I am sure that all Chairs are in regular touch with their Headteachers. I am also amazed at the response from staff at my two schools - they have been amazing!

This is the latest advice from the Government relating to Coronavirus (Covid19):

Lancashire County Council are providing this advice:

And the National Association of Governors:

And this newsletter (click here to download) was published by the NGA on 21 May 2020

And the National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN):

Take care and be safe,

LASGB Executive Committee

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