Founded 1994
Run for Governors by Governors

LGA Statement on the Black Lives Matter Agenda

Recent worldwide events are painful reminders of the injustice that exists in society today. Too many members of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community suffer unfair discrimination because of the colour of their skin, their race, their heritage, or their circumstances

The LGA Executive committee recognises the crucial role that education plays in challenging prejudice and racism, both overt and covert, which impacts upon the aspirations and life chances of many of the pupils in our schools.

The LGA seeks to work with school governors and other members of the school community to:

  • Support national initiatives such as those being promoted by the NGA and organisations such as BAMEd
  • promote wider representation of the BAME Community on governing boards.
  • provide opportunities for delegates at our events to consider how topics discussed relate to the Equalities Duty placed upon school governing boards.
  • raise awareness of the inequalities facing the BAME community within our schools and consider ways in which governing boards might begin to address these through policy, discussion, and training.

Emma Knights’ NGA blog on this subject (with a link to the BAMEd network) can be found at:

Take care and be safe,

LGA Executive Committee

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